World War Two Hero Cebu: Federico A. Reyes

  There are many Filipino heroes of World War Two in the Philippines. Among them was Captain Federico Arias Reyes who was married to my moth...

4-year old Vikram's Vichelin Star Restaurant Reviews - The Palace Seafood & Dim Sum

  Introducing Vikram's Vichelin Star Restaurant Reviews.  Four-year old Vikram rates restaurants that he has visited.   The Palace Seafo...

Historic Antique Photograph Philippine Cuenco Family

    For the first time I deciphered the writing on this old photo that I got from my aunt, Lourdes Cuenco. It's quite an interesting pho...

UBEC: CEBU REIMAGINED Talk by Cecilia Brainard, Cebuano Studies Center & YOUTUBE

  Cecilia Brainard's Talk: UBEC: CEBU REIMAGINED (Feb. 19, 2022) is streaming in the FB site of the Cebuano Studies Center: https://fb.w...

"All Hail Cebu's Carnival Queens 1914-1941, Brainard in Positively Filipino

  Concepcion Alesna Cuenco, 1931 Cebu Carnival Queen (mother of author) My article "All Hair Cebu's Carnival Queens 1914-1941"...

World War Two Hero Cebu -- Alfonso Escaño Corominas Sr.

  Alfonso E. Corominas with his son Alfonso Jr.  WORLD WAR TWO HERO - Alfonso  Esca ñ o  Corominas, Sr.  Another World War Two hero from Ceb...

World War II Hero Cebu - Dr. Col. Emilio Veloso Osmeña

  WORD WAR II CEBU HERO, Dr. Emilio Veloso  Osme ñ a Dr. Emilio Veloso  Osme ñ a  was the son of President Sergio Suico Osme ñ a and Estefan...